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Banat is an ethnically mixed historic region of eastern Europe; it is bounded by Transylvania and Walachia in the east, by the Tisza River in Europe Banat Map the west, by the Mures River in the north, and by the Danube River in the south. In the mid-16th century Banat was conquered by the Ottoman Turks, who retained it until 1718, when Austria acquired it (Treaty of Passarowitz). Under Austrian military rule, the region was organized as the Temeser Banat (or Banat of Temesvár). Later a civil administration took control of the northern part of the area, and the Austrian rulers encouraged the settlement of colonists from the Rhineland, Lorraine, and Luxembourg. For most of the period from 1779 to 1920, the Banat was attached to Hungary. After World War I, the victorious Allies divided it by the Treaty of Trianon (June 4, 1920). Hungary retained the district of Szeged, Romania acquired the large eastern section, and the remainder went to Yugoslavia. The name banat has its origin in a Persian word meaning lord, or master, and was introduced into Europe by the Avars; it came to mean a frontier province or a district under military governorship.

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    Banat Featured Towns:

  • Bela Crkva
  • Straja
  • Grebenac

    Banat Tours:

  • Sightseeing
  • Donauschwab Group Tour to Romanian and Serbian Banat [and Batschka]

    Anuar Bisericesc
  • 1978
  • 1980
  • 1982
  • 1983
  • 1984
  • 1985
  • 1986
  • 1990
  • 1999
  • 2000
  • 2001
  • Banat History:

  • Banat History
  • Human Rights of Romanians in Serbia
  • Human Rights of Hungarians in Serbia
  • Banat (Romaneasca)
  • Banat (Srbski)
  • Banat (Deutsch)
  • Edikt wegen Heuschreckenplage (Deutsch)
  • Banat Village Names
  • Banat 1913 - Nationalities
  • The first German Settlers in the Banat Community of Bogarosch

    New Barcelona – Spaniards in Banat:

  • In 1714, when Austria lost Spain and later Naples too, the Spaniards in the service of the Habsburgs emigrated to Vienna. The Viennese Court decided to send them to a region in ancient Pannonia, where preparations were made in 1737 for the building of New Barcelona, intended to become their home. The conflicts which broke out among the Spanish themselves, the climate, diseases and Turkish wars brought about their ruin, or at best their dispersal in all directions. When the war was over in 1740, the building of the city could not begin because there were no Spaniards left. (In Spanish)
  • Map of New Barcelona in Banat: Map 1 | Map 2
  • "Spaniern im Banat" by Felix Milliker, Vrsac 1937
    Page 1 | Page 2 | Page 3 | Page 4 | Page 5 | Page 6 | Page 7 | Page 8 | Page 9 | Page 10 | Page 11

    Banat Maps:

  • 1740 Map of Banat of Temesvár by Reiner and Joshua Ottens
  • 1740 Map A
  • 1740 Map B
  • 1740 Map C
  • 1740 Map D
  • 1740 Map E
  • 1740 Map F
  • 1740 Map G

    Banat 1789 Franz Joseph von Reilly was a Viennese goldsmith, mapmaker and publisher who flourished at the end of the 18th century. He produced very detailed maps, especially of eastern Europe, and this is a fine example. Taken from the publication "Schauplatz der funf Theile der Welt" (roughly translated, Showplace of the Five Parts of the the World) it depicts the Banat of Temesvar, a region in southern Hungary, bordering the River Danube. The map features early wash hand coloring, a decorative title cartouche and three scales at the bottom left hand corner. The map is in fine condition and printed on thick paper without folds. It measures 8.5" by 11.5" and has wide blank margins. The engraving is over 200 years old. View Banat Map of 1789

    Other Banat Maps:

  • Banat Today
  • Roman Empire in 1st Century
  • Banat in 1560
  • Banat in 1602 by Bertius
  • Banat in 1683
  • Timisoara City Map1750 by Bodenehr
  • Banat in 1789
  • Banat in 1825 by Stieler
  • Banat in 1856
  • Banat in 1870 by SDUK
  • Ethnograhical Map 1880s (Part 1) by E. G. Ravenstein F.R.G.S. - Published by: New York, D. Appleton & Co.
  • Ethnograhical Map 1880s (Part 2) by E. G. Ravenstein F.R.G.S. - Published by: New York, D. Appleton & Co.
  • Banat in 1882
  • Truppen-Standorte in 1898
  • Banat in 1900
  • Banat in 1910
  • Banat in 1911
  • Banat in 1913
  • Banat in 1942
  • Romanians/Serbs 1919 (small)
  • Romanians/Serbs 1919 (large)
  • Timisoara (old)
  • Serbia in 1917
  • Banat - German Map

    Banat Books

  • Le Probleme Du Banat by Georges G. Mironesco (Paris 1919) | Inside Cover | Page 7 | Pages 8-9
  • Le Question Du Banat by Severe Bocou (Paris 1919) | Inside Cover | Page 1 | Pages 2-3
  • Des Reiches Hofzaun - Geschichte der deutschen Militärgrenze im Südosten by Rupert von Schumacher | Cover
  • Hungary: A Short History, by C.A. Macartney, 1962, Aldine Press. 262pp. Hardcover
    LONDON OXFORD UNIVERSITY PRESS, 1937. Hardcover. Book on the consequences & aftermath of Hungary's signing of the Treaty of Trianon, illustrated w/foldout maps. Interesting look at how a country's division can affect it's population. Contains ethnographical map of Hungary based on density of population by Count Paul Teleki.

    Banat Documents

  • WW2 Vrsac to Mesic 31 July 1941
  • WW2 Marriage of SS Officer in Banat 1944

    Banat MP3s (music)

  • Gheorghe Trocea photo
  • Adormii Cu Tine N Gand sung by Trocea
  • Am Crezut Unul In Altul sung by Trocea
  • Am Iubit O Mandrulita sung by Trocea

    Banat Art

  • Paul Joanovitch, (1859-1957),"Harem"
    Painting by Paul Joanovitch (1859-1957)Serbian-Austrian,"Harem", oil on canvas,signed lower right Joanovitch. Jovanovic was born in Vrsac in Serbia 1859, he moved to Vienna in 1876 where he attanded Academy Schools under Leopold Karl Muller until 1883.He exhibited regulary in the Salons of Vienna,Munich and Berlin,often Serbian,Montenegran,Albanian and oriental subjects which mainly went to American and British private collectors.Jovanovic is represented in public collections and Museums in Vienna,Munich,Berlin,Belgrade,Melburne... and private collections in Europe and North America.
    Measurements: 76x61 cm. / 30x24 in. and framed 109,5x92,5 cm / 43,2x36,4 in
  • Luigi Mayer (active 1776-1792)
    "Piazza nella citta di Molinbok nel Banato di Temeswar. Copiato dal disegno originale pittoresco fatto dal Sig. Roberto Ainslie 1794 Luigi Mayer Rome dipin."

    Perfect topographical gouache on paper laid down on cardboard by Luigi Mayer (active 1776-1792). Our gouache was created in the end of 18th century by Luigi Mayer, famous travelled landscape-painter an Italian by birth. The piece was executed by an order of British ambassador in Constantinople Sir Rob.Ainslie, L.Mayer worked on him as a draftsman and watercolourist. 6 of his view paintings are located in Sir Johane's Museum in London. After his works W.Watts and Th.Milton have executed series of etchings of views of Balkans, Orien and Egypt. The painter is listed in Thieme-Becker "Allgemeines Lexicon der Kuenstler von Antike bis Gegenwart", Seeman-Verlag, Leipzig.
    Measurements: w 12 1/2" x h 9 1/2" (32 x 24 cm), framed w 19" x h 16" (48 x 41 cm)

    Banat Newspapers and Magazines

  • Deutscher Volksfreund (Vrsac) 21 March 1937
  • Strajerul (Straja) March 2002
    Library of Congress Collection (USA)
  • Bacs-Bodroger Zeitung, Apr 29, 1923-May 10, 1925, Apatin
  • Banater Beobachter, June 1942-June 1943, Zrenjanin
  • Banater Rundschau, Oct 6, 1935-Sept 25, 1938; Jan-Apr 9, 1939, Zrenjanin
  • Batschkaer Zeitung, Jan-Dec 1931; Jan 1933-Dec 1938 (scattered missing periods); Jan-Aug 23, 1941; Mar 7, 1942-Dec 24, 1943, Apatin
  • Bela-Crkvaer Volksblatt, Oct 7, 1923-Dec 24, 1939, Bela Crkva
  • Belgrader Nachrichten, Dec 15-30, 1915; July 2, 9, Sept 17, Oct 14, 1916; June 10, Aug 17, 1917, Belgrade
  • Belgrader Zeitung, Nov 23, 1924-Dec 26, 1925; Jan 24-Mar 7, 1926, Belgrade
  • Deutsche Volks-Zeitung, Jan 5-Apr 27, 1941, Prigrevica
  • Deutsche Volksfreund, Apr-Dec 1921; Jan-Dec 1924; Jan 1928-Dec 1939, Vrsac
  • Deutsche Zeitung, Dec 1931-Mar 30, 1941 (scattered missing periods), Novi Sad
  • Deutsche Zeitung, July-Nov 28, 1931, Sombor
  • Deutsches Volksblatt, Feb 15, 1920-Oct 3, 1944 (scattered missing periods), Novi Sad
  • Die Donau, Jan 1938-Dec 1939; Jan 11, 1941-Dec 24, 1943, Apatin
  • Donauzeitung, July 26-Oct 5, 1944, Belgrade
  • Handels-und Gewerbe-Zeitrung, Jan 1939-Dec 1940, Sombor
  • Heimat, Mar 25-Dec 30, 1939, Backa Palanka
  • Lokal-Anzeiger, May 4, 1941-Dec 25, 1942, Prigrevica
  • Lokal-Anzeiger fur Stanisic und Gakavo, Jan 5-Mar 30, 1941, Prigrevica
  • Neue Bacs-Bodroger Zeitung, May 24, 1925-Dec 23, 1928, Apatin
  • Neue Werschetzer Zeitung, Aug 3, 1893-Nov 14, 1901 (scattered issues only); Feb 16-Aug 7, 1902; Jan 21-Aug 7, 1904 (scattered missing periods), Vrsac
  • Neue Zeit, Nov 18-Dec 30, 1930, Novi Sad
  • Neue Zeit, Aug 20, 1920-Nov 15, 1930, Zrenjanin
  • Novo Vreme, May 16-Nov 23, 1941; Jan 6/10, 1942-Apr 6, 1944, Belgrade
  • Novoe Vremia, Feb 5, 1924; Jan 1927-Oct 26, 1930, Belgrade
  • Obnova, June 2-30, July 3, 7, 9, Aug 6, 1942, Belgrade
  • Omladina, Nov 4, 1944 , Belgrade
  • Pancevoer Post, Mar 13, 1932-Aug 18, 1934, Pancevo
  • Politika, Mar 14, 1930-Apr 1941, Belgrade
  • Ponedeljak, Jan 26, 1942-June 28, 1943, Belgrade
  • Radenik, Apr 17, June-Dec 1871, Belgrade
  • Radnik, Jan 4-May 17, 1872, Belgrade
  • Russkii Golos, May 17, 1936-Mar 23, 1941 (scattered missing periods), Belgrade
  • Russkii Narodnyi Vestnik, Sept 15, 1940-Mar 30, 1941, Belgrade
  • Schwabischer Beobachter, July 22, 1934-May 19, 1935, Zrenjanin
  • Schwabischer Volksbote, Mar 31-Oct 20, 1935, Pancevo
  • Der Sonntag, Jan 1933-Dec 1937, Bela Crkva
  • Tsarskii Viestnik, Nov 30, 1930; Aug 26, 1934-July 28, 1940 (scattered missing periods), Belgrade
  • Ung.-Weisskirchner Volksblatt, July 30, 1899-Oct 19, 1902, Bela Crkva
  • Volks-Zeitung, May 4, 1941-Dec 25, 1942, Prigrevica
  • Volksruf, Jan 3, 1936-Dec 24, 1937, Pancevo
  • Die Wacht, Oct 18, 1925-Dec 29, 1935; Oct 24, 1937-Feb 13, 1938, Backa Palanka
  • Die Woche, Feb 12, 1927-Dec 25, 1935, Odzaci
  • La Yougoslavie, Nov 9, 1929-Oct 21, 1931 (scattered missing periods); Nov 16, 1932, Belgrade
    | Libertatea | Societatea Româna de Etnografie si Folclor din Voivodina | Begeci (Torak) | Bela Crkva | Vrsac | Vrsac Online | Zrenjanin | Banat.ro | Hemo.net | Hemo Farm | Czechs in Banat | Banat Books | Bucova | Catholic Diocese | Serbian Phone Book | Vrsac Municipal Library |

    | Adela - Straja | Albertina - Grebenac | Florentiu - Straja | Manuel - Straja/Timisoara | Dorel Vostinar - Glogonj | Goran Jovanovic - Florida/Vrsac |

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